cheng jiの例文


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  1. Cheng Ji killed Cao Mao by spearing him to death.
  2. Cheng Ji then approached Cao Mao and killed the emperor with his spear.
  3. Cheng Ji stabbed Cao Mao in the chest with a spear, killing him.
  4. In the aftermath of the incident, the people demanded for Cheng Ji and Jia Chong to be executed.
  5. Jia Chong led another defense at the southern watchtower, and ordered his officer Cheng Ji to kill Cao Mao.


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  10. "cheng jingyi"の例文
  11. "cheng i"の例文
  12. "cheng i sao"の例文
  13. "cheng jie"の例文
  14. "cheng jin"の例文

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